4th Trieste–Ljubljana meeting @ Ljubljana

When: Tuesday, 13th November, 2018
Where: Univ. of Ljubljana

10:00–10:30 coffee and discussions
10:30–11:30 Jacopo De Nardis (ENS Paris – SISSA guest)
11:30–12:05 Lenart Zadnik (Ljubljana)
12:05–12:40 Scott Taylor (ICTP)
12:40–13:30 lunch
13:30–15:15 discussions
15:15–15:50 Katja Klobas (Ljubljana)
15:50–16:25 Tommaso Parolini (ICTP)
16:25–17:00 Erik Tonni (SISSA)
Hydrodynamic diffusion and super-diffusion in integrable models
Speaker Jacopo De Nardis
Abstract I will show how hydrodynamic diffusion is generically present in many-body one-dimensional interacting quantum and classical integrable models. I will extend the recently developed generalised hydrodynamic (GHD) to include terms of Navier-Stokes type which lead to positive entropy production and diffusive relaxation mechanisms. These terms provide the subleading diffusive corrections to Euler-scale GHD for the large-scale
non-equilibrium dynamics of integrable systems, and arise due to two-body scatterings among the quasiparticles of the model. Moreover, I will show how with some particular choice of Hamiltonian interactions, the diffusion constant relative to the spin or charge degrees of freedom diverges, signaling the presence of super diffusive transport.
SU(2) symmetry vs many-body localization: a HPC take on the random Heisenberg chain
Speaker Tommaso Parolini
Abstract Through the implementation of a massively parallelizable code for the exact diagonalization of SU(2)-invariant Hamiltonians, we are able to reveal the spectral properties of the random-bond quantum Heisenberg model in 1d on system sizes larger than what considered before. In this talk, we are going to present some preliminary results of our investigation.
This study is aimed at supplying powerful evidence as regards the effects of non-abelian symmetries on many-body localization, a topic of ever-increasing interest in both the theoretical and experimental communities (see in particular Michael Schreiber et al. Science, 30 Jul 2015).

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