$ID = get_the_ID();
add_post_meta($ID, 'Author', 'A.Trombettoni', True);
add_post_meta($ID, 'Credits', '3', True);
$AUTHOR = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(),'Author',True);
$CREDITS = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(),'Credits',True);
echo "
by $AUTHOR ($CREDITS credits)

This course provides an introduction to the area of phenomena emerging from cold atom physics.
Main Topics
I Part
- Condensation for an ideal gas of bosons
- Effects of the interaction: qualitative considerations
- Bogoliubov theory of the weakly interacting Bose gas (WIBG) (and reminders of second quantization)
- Path integral study of the WIBG
- Condensate dynamics at T=0: collective oscillations
- BEC in a double well potential: Josephson oscillations, analogy with
superconducting Josephson junctions - BEC in optical lattices
- BEC in a rotating container: superfluidity, vortices, analogy with the
superfluid Helium - Equilibrium properties of bosons in periodic potentials: Bose-Hubbard
model - Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in 2D
- Ultracold fermions: results for the non-interacting limit
- BCS theory for attractively interacting Fermi gases
II Part
- Introduction to superconductors: basic phenomena
- Electrodynamics of superconductors: London equations, type-II
superconductors - Ginzburg-Landau theory
- BCS-BEC crossover for dilute fermions
- Fermions in optical lattices: Hubbard models
- Green’s function approach to superconductivity and superfluidity: an introduction