$ID = get_the_ID();
add_post_meta($ID, 'Author', 'M.Müller', True);
add_post_meta($ID, 'Credits', '3', True);
$AUTHOR = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(),'Author',True);
$CREDITS = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(),'Credits',True);
echo "
by $AUTHOR ($CREDITS credits)

Main Topics
- Models, systems and basic notions in disordered systems
- Soluble models of glassy systems:
– Random Energy Model
– Spherical models - Mean field theory of spin glasses (SK model) and supercooled liquids (p-spin models)
- Thouless-Anderson-Palmer approach
- Parisi’s solution of the SK model: replica symmetry breaking and its meaning
- Approaches to finite dimesional spin glasses (beyond mean field theory; droplet theory; numerical approaches
- Cavity method: exact solutions for complex problems on large random graphs
- Overview of topics of current interest (quantum glasses, glasses and localization, challenges in complex systems in areas outside of physics)