$ID = get_the_ID();
add_post_meta($ID, 'Author', 'A.Silva', True);
add_post_meta($ID, 'Credits', '2', True);
$AUTHOR = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(),'Author',True);
$CREDITS = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(),'Credits',True);
echo "
by $AUTHOR ($CREDITS credits)
Main topics:
Reminder of many body physics in thermal equilibrium:
- Matsubara Green’s function
- Linear response theory and fluctuation-dissipation theorem
- Simple application: weak localization corrections to conductivity
Out of equilibrium systems:
- Contourn ordered Green’s functions
- Quantum kinetic equations and Boltzmann limit
- Application to mesoscopic physics:
– Non-equilibrium transport in quantum dots
– Adiabatic quantum pumping
– Dynamical localization
Keldysh Path Integrals:
- Kinetics of bosonic systems
- Particle in contact with an enviroment