Projects and Grants

Highly Entangled States of Matter in Programmable Quantum Devices with Rydberg Atoms: Theory and Experiments


    This collaborative project from Italian ministry of research includes three research units: Trieste (Pasquale Calabrese and Giuseppe Mussardo), Florence (Leonardo Fallani, Andrea Cappelli and Alessandro Cuccoli), CNR (Cappellini). National coordinator: Leonardo Fallani. Local SISSA coordinator: Pasquale Calabrese. Total budget ca. 220 k€, SISSA budget ca. 80 k€.

New states of Entangled Matter Out of equilibrium (NEMO)


    Pasquale Calabrese is the PI of the ERC Consolidator Grant n. 771536. The overall budget is about 1.5 M€ (SISSA is the only beneficiary). The main goal of the project is to find and characterise new non-equilibrium states of matter guided by their entanglement content.
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Low dimensional quantum systems: theory, experiments and simulations


    This collaborative project from Italian ministry of research includes five research units: Trieste (Pasquale Calabrese and Giuseppe Mussardo), Florence experiment (Leonardo Fallani), Florence theory (Andrea Cappelli and Filippo Colomo), Padova (Simone Montangero), Pisa (Davide Rossini). National and SISSA coordinator: Pasquale Calabrese. Total budget ca. 800 k€, SISSA budget ca. 160 k€.

Coarse-grained description for non-equilibrium system and transport phenomena (CO-NEST)


    This collaborative project from Italian ministry of research includes five research units: Trieste (Andrea Gambassi, local SISSA coordinator and Stefano Ruffo), University of Rome “La Sapienza” (Angelo Vulpiani, national coordinator), CNR (Andrea Puglisi, Fabio Cecconi, Andrea Baldassarri, Paolo Politi), University of Camerino (Umberto Marini Bettolo Marconi), University of Florence (Roberto Livi, Stefano Lepri, Lapo Casetti), University of Campania “Vanvitelli” (Eugenio Lippiello). Total budget ca. 1 115 k€, SISSA budget 178 k€.

    The main goal of the project is to develop effective coarse-grained descriptions for the relevant collective variables which emerge in a number of non-equilibrium or non-standard classical statistical systems, from granular, active, and critical matter, to biopolymers and systems with long-range interactions.

Strongly interacting systems in confined geometries


    Andrea Trombettoni is the Italian responsible of this Italy–Hungary Joint Project (Accordo di Cooperazione Scientifica CNR/MTA Ungheria); Hungarian responsible: Istvan Nandori.

    The goals of the project are to investigate a variety of 2D models using the common language of statistical field theory and to tighten the Trieste-Budapest/Debrecen collaboration on low-dimensional systems. The Italian and Hungarian teams have a more-than-one-decade story of continuing and successful collaborations. In particular, several young Hungarian physicists came from Hungary to Trieste to do the Ph.D., e.g. Marton Mestyan, or as postdocs. Only referring to the last decade, more than 30 papers on the subject of strongly correlated systems have been published with authors both from Trieste and Budapest/Debrecen.
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Quantum Technologies with Ultra-Cold Atoms


    Andrea Trombettoni is the Vice-Chair of the COST Action CA16221.

    The COST Action “Quantum Technologies with Ultra-Cold Atoms” has as mission the creation of a large network of expert groups on cold-atom quantum physics that will act as a catalyst in the rapid development and commercialization of quantum technology based on ultra-cold atoms and Bose-Einstein condensates. The vision is to establish Europe as the leader both in fundamental research as well as real-world commercial products that will harness the unique quantum mechanical features of cold atomic ensembles. The COST Action will contribute to these developments by providing a crucial platform for information exchange and coordination of research in connection with the fledgling quantum industry. A further priority of the network will be outreach, the organization of training schools and events open to the general public.

    In connection with the activities of the COST network, the Summer School and Conference “Frontiers in Matter Wave Optics FOMO2020″ will be organized in Trieste in 2020.
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NV centers for the test of the Quantum Jarzynski Equality (NVQJE)


    Andrea Trombettoni is the Co-Recipient of MIT–FVG Collaboration Grant with P. Cappellaro (MIT) and S. Ruffo (SISSA).

    The goal of the project is to exploit Nitrogen vacancies in diamond to test exchange fluctuation relations and more generally as a playground for quantum thermodynamics.

Phases of ergodic and localized dynamics and applications to quantum computing


    Antonello Scardicchio is the PI of a Google Faculty Research Award for work related to quantum computing.
    Total budget: 72 000 $ to support graduate students and postdocs.
New approaches to Quantum Many-Body systems via Entanglement


    Hong Liu (MIT) and Erik Tonni (SISSA) are principal investigators on this project. MIT/SISSA collaboration supported by MISTI Global Seeds Funds (faculty funds): 15 200 $.
Functional and Renormalization Group Methods in Quantum and Statistical Physics


    Andrea Trombettoni is CNR responsible in the ACRI project “Functional and Renormalization Group Methods in Quantum and Statistical Physics”. The project is coordinated by Gian Paolo Vacca (INFN – Bologna), and sponsored by ACRI (Associazione di Fondazioni e Casse di Risparmio Spa) under the Young Investigator Training Program 2018, intended to foster young international researchers and to promote their scientific collaboration with a network of Italian research institutions. It includes an opening for short term individual research fellowships: 6 young researchers will visit Trieste in September 2019 for a month. Within the project, the conference “Functional and Renormalization-Group methods – Italian Meeting (FRGIM 2019)” will be organized, taking place at ECT*, Trento, in the days 16-20 September 2019.

Out-of-equilibrium entangled many-body systems


European STREP “A Guided Matter-Wave Interferometer on a Atom-Chip-MatterWave”


    Andrea Trombettoni is the PI of the Italian node of the collaborative European grant STREP “MatterWave” involving four European nodes.

    The goal of the project, having total budget 3 M€ [budget of the Italian node: 270 k€], is to study guided matter-wave interferometers based on ultracold bosonic atoms trapped in dynamically created and highly controllable magnetic potential landscapes near an atom chip surface. Such devices have the potential to induce a step change in the sensitivity with which acceleration and rotation can be measured, with expected applications extending far beyond basic physical research, for example to geoscience and navigation.
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Young Investigator Training Program 2017


    Erik Tonni obtained funds from ACRI to support young researchers through individual fellowships (within 3 000 and 4 000 € each one). For young researchers in order to attend the program Entanglement in Quantum Systems at the Galileo Galilei Institute in June/July 2018 and to visit another research institute in Italy. Total budget: 48 750 €.
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Finanziamento delle Attività Base di Ricerca (FFABR)


    Andrea Gambassi
    FFABR was a special fund (active only in 2017, 3 000 €) of the Italian Ministry of University, Research and Education for supporting basic research activities. It was assigned on a competitive basis to researchers and associate professors, selected on the basis of their research achievements.
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Entangling and Disentangling Extended Quantum Systems in and out of equilibrium (EDEQS)


    Pasquale Calabrese is the PI of an ERC Starting grant n. 279391 (although started at University of Pisa, SISSA was beneficiary of most of the budget ca. 1.1 million €). The main goal of the project is to disentangle many body quantum systems characterising their entanglement content.
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Non-perturbative field theory and strongly correlated systems


    Andrea Trombettoni is the Italian responsible of this Italy–Hungary Joint Project (Accordo di Cooperazione Scientifica CNR/MTA Ungheria); Hungarian responsible: Gabor Takacs. Other local participants: Gesualdo Delfino and Giuseppe Mussardo.

    The project finished in December 2015: 9 papers on the subject of strongly correlated systems treated non-perturbatively and resulting from the Italian-Hungarian collaboration were published in international journals within the project, with a total of more than 150 days of visits in Italy and Hungary.

Quantum Integrability, Conformal Field Theory and Topological Quantum Computation(QICFT)


    Giuseppe Mussardo is the chairman of the IRSES European Grant QICFT with nodes: Oxford (UK), Amsterdam (The Netherlands), Madrid (Spain), Brookhaven National Labs (USA), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Hangzhou (China). Total budget ca. 500 k€
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Weakly confined RMT


Statistical Physics of Strongly Correlated Systems: Exact Results and Quantum Field Theory Methods


Interdisciplinary Statistical and Field Theory Approaches to Nanophysics and Low Dimensional Systems(INSTANS)


Rumore Quantistico e Sistemi Mesoscopici


Meccanica Statistica, Teoria dei Campi e Transizioni di Fase Quantistiche in Bassa Dimensionalita


Iniziativa specifica INFN
    All permanent members of the group participate to the “Iniziativa specifica INFN” Statistical Field Theory (former FI 11) of which Giuseppe Mussardo is the National coordinator since 2014.

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