Gauge theory tools for the condensed matter practitioner

by M. Dalmonte (2 credits, type C)


Lec 1: Introduction to lattice gauge theories in their Hamiltonian formulation
Lec 2: Confinement, deconfinement, and their diagnostics. Wegner-Wilson and Fredenhagen-Marcu order parameters
Lec 3: Elitzur’s theorem. Brief discussion of lagrangian formulation and numerics for lattice QCD
Lec 4: Ising lattice gauge theory: topological order as deconfinement
Lec 5: Decoding topological spin liquids: topological entanglement entropy and Ising-gauge duality
Lec 6: Gauge theory tools for classification of frustrated magnets: Projective symmetry groups
Lec 7: One dimensional LGTs – all dualities you want to know, and the Schwinger model
Lec 8: Beyond Wilson’s lattice gauge theory: Quantum link models and quantum dimers
Lec 9: LGT and Tensor networks
Lec 10: Quantum simulation of gauge theories: Rydberg atom quantum simulators

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